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/ HyperStudio: Software for a Mediacentric World! / HyperStudio Macintosh Program Resource CD MAC (HM-310-0397-R07)(Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc.)(1997).iso / Media Library / Multipaedia Library / Geology / The Continents (.png) < prev   
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-01-25  |  70KB  |  511x342  |  8-bit (118 colors)
Offensive: Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Possible
Labels: conformal projection | lepton | map | person | poster
OCR: Cont inental Plates Nortl Eurasian American Plate Pacific Plate Afrioan te Afr south p American Plate Supercont inent of Panga ea Antarotic Plate Indo-Australian Nazcs Plate Plate The Continents Nort African Aerican Antarctic Nazca